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We are proud to announce this new video clip serie about "Understanding Gladue Rights".
Please note that it is available in Cree only.
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Wachiiyaak misiiwaah!
The new deadline to submit your projects is Friday, February 4th 2022 at 5pm.
As always should you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Funds Administrator.
For more information, please visit the official web site.
Read more: New deadline for the Cree Justice Funds submissions
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“Respect our Elders” - June 15, 2021, is a day to acknowledge Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This year, the Department of Justice and Correctional Services is taking the step to honour our Elders in the Cree Nation by recognizing that abuse and mistreatment exist in our Cree communities. We are here to inform and offer the Cree Elders our victims support services at the CAVAC services.
Please wear purple to help us honour our Elders, and pick up your purple ribbon at your local justice facility.
If you or a loved one is a victim of ELDER ABUSE, call one of our Cree CAVAC officers for help.

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Do you believe that Crees should receive restorative justice? Do you wish to contribute?
The Cree Nation Government’s Department of Justice and Correctional Services is looking for new Gladue writers. If you want to help build the bridge between Criminal Justice and our unique Cree experience, you can make a difference.
The DOJCS is looking for individuals who are 18 years and over and who have completed their secondary 5. If you are empathetic, enjoy meeting people and writing, have good organizational skills, we hope to hear from you. You do not need to speak Cree, and will have to successfully pass a Criminal Record Check.
The DOJCS provides the 4-day Gladue training and writers receive $1250 per completed report.
For more information, please contact the Cree Justice Projects Officers:
Abigail Mianscum (inland): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alicia Lameboy-Dixon (coastal): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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As we approach a culturally important season for us, we wish you a healthy and properous goose break. We remind you the importance of storing your gun and ammunition safely back at your camps with family around, and to be aware of the impacts of climate change on the environment you are hunting in. Continue to practice healthy habits with washing your hands and together we will beat the pandemic.